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Catch Greg on AM 639 radio - don't forget you can catch my weekly fishing hotspots/seafood cooking segments every Sat after 6-30am with Chook Harslett!
NEW! FOR SALE - Two (2) absolutely unique & exclusive watercolours by 1st Nation artist Winnie Bamara. Known as at least the equal of Albert Namatjera, Winnie Bamara painted these watercolours of the Southern Flinders Ranges in 1967. Here's the link:
FEB 11 - 20, 2025
METRO WATERS: Large squid & some decent garfish are off Seacliff & Hallett Cove, while impatient boat crews who have waited several weeks over the school holidays for a less packed local boat ramp launched to chase gar, blue crabs, squid & an early am KG whiting from north of St Kilda & Semaphore to Brighton. The gar are in the deep water drops off the southern metro coast & there are some big specimes too! Blueys, garfish & fish of the shitting variety are off Brighton, West Bch, Glenelg, AAMI Stadium/Bower Road grounds & then Semaphore to St Kilda. Blue crab rakers & shore-based anglers trying for yellowfin whiting are still working the morning tides at St Kilda channel, Light Bch, Port Gawler & Dublin coastline. Afternoon seabreezes are still strong right along the metro stretch. Jetty-based anglers are trying for squid, blueys, small gar & night-time tommy ruffs from Pt Noarlunga, Brighton, Glenelg/Grange, Henley & Semaphore with some big snook at Brighton jetty last weekend. Bream & soapie mulloway are in the drifting shallows at Onkaparinga river bend & Triggs Bch northern reef. The Port River & The Pat have mullet, salmon trout & small bream.
FLEURIEU/RIVERLAND/RESERVOIR: Strong early afternoon south easterly winds made their mark for much of the Fleurieu coast last week as warm days and mild evenings continued. Garfish, large squid, velvet crabs and tommy ruff catches were found intermittently from parts of the Pt Noarlunga fishing grounds through to Sellicks Beach, Lady Bay, Carrackalinga, Normanville, Second Valley and Wirrina. Tuna to 15 kilos were again caught in and around the deep waters off Tunk Head and Cape Jervis and into Investigator Straight when big boat crews managed a run in the first light of dawn. Reports of KG whiting are few and far between on the western side of the Fleurieu but the next few weeks of good tides should help things along - remember to use berley and fresh baits whenever planning for these great table fish. Shore and jetty-based fishing for squid has been good from Pt Noarlunga, Normanville, Second Valley and Rapid Bay jetties and from the rocks at Triggs Beach, Silver Sands, Second Valley and Rapid Head. Lady Bay gar and squid fishing has been exceptional at times! Mulloway continue their run for the surf casters from Goolwa to Salt Creek and inside the river mouth after dark in the Goolwa and Scab channels, along with some fat mullet over at Narrung. Boat crews running out in the mornings from Victor Harbor caught pan-sized snapper, garfish and squid on the clear water days, while shore-based fishers reported salmon trout and a few mullet from Waitpinga Beach and Chiton Rocks. The Bluff wharf has squid and overnight tommy ruffs. Upstream anglers are catching Murray Cod, redfin perch and callop from Morgan and Punyelroo.
SOUTH EAST/COORONG: Overnight mulloway are in the surf from Salt Creek, The Granites, Lurline Point & then way down at the river mouth of the Glenelg river in Mexico, just on the southern end of the SA border. Salmon to 2 kilos & a few nice mullet are also at the 28 & 42 Mile Crossings, Boatswain's Point, Stinky Bch & Canunda, just south of Millicent. The beaches are still pretty soft so it might be worth running your car on low tyre pressure & driving on the high part of the beach. Boat crews are running out from Kingston, Robe, Beachport & Port MacDonnell for snapper, KG whiting, kingies, small tuna, squid & garfish. The gar are nice & fat also over at Carpenter Rocks, Nora Creina Bay/Poorman's Bch & Little Dip. Crays are still on the Feb menu, but it has been a quiet season for pulling the pots - try using some legal holding craybait that lasts several days to get the crays to crawl (you need a PIRSA licence). Jetty-based fishing has tommy ruffs, squid & gar at Kingston, Robe, Beachport & Port Mac.
YORKE PENINSULA: Wallaroo: Strong wind warnings were issued for several days last week, making fishing from a boat problematic at times. The jetty has squid and a few blue crabs and there are King George whiting off shore for boat crews when conditions permit. Moonta Bay/Port Hughes: Nice squid arrived at both jetties during the week along with blue crabs and small gar. When boat crews did manage a run out to Tiparra Reef they caught gar, squid and blueys. Shore-based fishing still has yellowfin whiting along several local beaches. Point Turton: Garfish and squid were again the main reports for boat crews fishing in the sometimes sheltered waters from Hardwicke Bay, Point Souttar, The Pines and Corny Point. A couple of KG whiting came from the blue-line off Point Souttar, while the local jetty has sprat tommy ruffs (Australian herring), small gar and squid. Marion/Stenhouse Bays: Choppy onshore conditions persisted for much of last week, making for generally difficult fishing weather right across the spectrum. The jetties have a mix of gar, squid, tommy ruffs and snook while offshore crews can expect tuna, red nannygai, large KG whiting and kingfish. Shore-based fishing has mullet and salmon trout. Edithburgh/Stansbury: Those pesky snapper are off Tapley Shoals and Orontes Bank as they rush whiting baits and even squid lures! Snapper must not be kept as the PIRSA ban continues. Snook, garfish and squid have been the other main reports for boats, with the jetties holding blueys and squid. Ardrossan: Try the jetty for early morning mulloway, blue crabs and squid. Boat crews are catching blueys, squid, garfish and snook. Rakers continue to work the shallow water grounds from Price to Rogues Point and Pine Point.
QUESTION - WHAT IS THE FUTURE OF OUR NORTHERN SPENCER GULF? Does our beautiful Northern Spencer Gulf have a fishing future? The dual uncertainty of the Whyalla Steelworks & pathetic fail of the Hydrogen energy project, the coming-at-us-hard proposal for a Nuclear Power Station at Pt Augusta & the continued closures from Pt Pirie Smelter pollution? Q. IS IT TOO HARD TO ASK, 1ST & FOREMOST, THAT OUR STATE/NATIONAL LOYALTY WOULD BE TO THIS MAJESTICAL, BLUE MARINE WORLD? Email your thoughts: greg@gregjamesfishing.com.au
SPENCER GULF/WEST COAST: Big boat crews have run out from Venus & Coffin Bays (past Longnose Point) to finally latch on to some decent sized tuna, with fish up to 66 kilos reported! Smaller tuna are also just further north past Olive Island & the Nyuts Archipelago, but it can be dangerous at times, so careful planning is paramount. KG whiting are in Proper Bay, Fisherman Bay & then around the coast to Louth Bay & Pt Neill, plus garfish, squid & red mullet for the smaller inshore fishers. The Spilsby Islands have kingfish, whiting, snook, flathead, big tommies & squid, as does Wedge & Seal Islands - pse make sure you observe & comply with the no-take sanctuary zones if fishing in or alongside a designated Marine Park. Tuna & red nannys are here as well, plus big Samson fish. Jetty-based anglers are picking up a feed of gar, squid & tommy ruffs from Streaky Bay, Ceduna, Coffin Bay, Pt Lincoln, Tumby & Arno Bays. Blue crabs are on the menu from Cowell, Whyalla, Pt Augusta, Pt Germein & Pt Pirie, with large males off Murnninie Point, Point Patterson & Port Davis. Gar, snook & nice squid are here also. Shore-based fishing has mulloway, 2 kilo salmon, shark & snook from Point Sinclair, Fowler's Bay & Haslam/Point Brown. TIGHT LINES!